Diagnose Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is delayed gastric emptying. The most common symptoms are heartburn, nausea, vomiting, weight loss and swelling. Some of these symptoms are also symptoms of other diseases, it is necessary to understand some tests, resulting in difficulty. Below the diagnosis of gastroparesis.

Take studies of gastric emptying. You get to eat an egg sandwich and then a monitor. Let stand for an hour, so they can see how fast you need to digest the egg sandwich. If you have gastroparesis, you need more time for the sandwich that the average person should consume.

A plan of the gastro-intestinal manometry. After inserting a tube into the stomach and small intestine, the technician checked the contractions before and after eating. The strength and frequency of contractions is also controlled. This test is for other problems and are not available.

Set an upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. The doctor can examine the stomach and small intestine, a tube with a tiny camera attached to it because of disability. You want to see if there are other problems that cause the symptoms.

They have a electogastrogram. The electrical signals are stored in the stomach before and after eating. If you have gastroparesis, the rhythm regular outlet should be accelerated before eating and after eating. If you have gastroparesis, the rhythm before eating and after eating or irregular rhythm is not present or does not increase.

Ask your doctor if you have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should have. MRI, the diagnosis of many diseases of the stomach. Since this test is not invasive and no possibility of exposure to radiation, the ideal test for diagnosing gastroparesis is not only that, but you have stomach problems. And "in a study to evaluate the motility of the stomach.

Discover how to treat gastroparesis, if you are diagnosed with it.


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