The Most Common Diabetes Complication Don't Know About Diabetic Gastroparesis

Since she was diagnosed with diabetes, you may have noticed that you have a problem with farmers, have gas and bloating? An annoying pain that can not in the upper abdomen, heartburn, or antacids that can not be identified to do? If you do, you are suffering from diabetic gastroparesis, the most common complication of diabetes that most diabetics do not know anything.

The "paralysis" is paralysis and "belly" refers to the stomach. Gastroparesis (gas-tro-by-SEE-up) is a kind of paralysis of the upper digestive tract in a delayed emptying of the stomach into the small intestine. At the end of the work up to 50 percent of people with diabetes does not mean too much damage to the nervous system occurs long after the blood sugar is not controlled, at least 5 to 10 years. Not all diabetic patients, who may face this problem all the symptoms all the time, but about half, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting in patients with diabetes are related to the disease.

Treat Gastroparesis Naturally

"Gastric emptying" or gastroparesis can be paralyzing. To learn more about this common condition and doctors use natural remedies to cure them.

What is gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis, also called "gastric emptying" is a condition characterized by partial paralysis of the stomach that food is not digested properly characterized. Eating slowly through the digestive tract, cause nausea and vomiting, stomach distension, after a few bites, heartburn, anorexia, weight loss and malnutrition.

What causes gastroparesis?

Diabetes is the leading cause of gastroparesis. However, infections, autoimmune diseases, connective tissue diseases (scleroderma), neuromuscular diseases, chemotherapy and / or radiation causes this condition. This condition can also be a gastro-intestinal surgery, in which the vagus nerve is damaged caused. In a healthy person of the vagus nerve is responsible for sensory and motor responses of the intestine.

Aware About Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis literally translates to 'paralyzed stomach', and is a condition where the stomach, which normally contracts to grind food and push it into the small intestine, for some reason, does not.  It can be caused by many things such as Diabetes, MS, Scleroderma, post viral, anorexia, auto-immune... the list goes on and on, but there are cases where no known root cause is found at which time it is called "Idiopathic Gastroparesis".

The most common symptoms of Gastroparesis are:

    * Weight loss
    * early satiety (feeling full after only a few bites)
    * vomiting
    * nausea
    * abdominal pain
    * bloating
    * weight gain with little caloric intake
    * constipation
    * diarrhea

There are few treatment options available and no cure, and due to the severe lack of awareness there is little research being done for better treatment options.

Don't They Have Know Diabetic Gastroparesis is a Complication Many Type 2 Diabetics?

Farmers, peasants, swelling, bad breath, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, fecal incontinence and loss of appetite are symptoms often associated with type 2 diabetes, but in reality, often caused by type 2 diabetes. Years of blood sugar can lead to bad diabetic gastroparesis, a condition of chronic inflammation damages the vagus nerve, so that controls the passage of food through the digestive tract.

The food can accumulate in your stomach so that it floats above the sphincter at the bottom of the canyon. Unfortunately, because the vagus nerve is damaged, is not just an image you may vomit or vomiting. It is an unpleasant feeling. Often, the teeth of a person with type 2 diabetes are terminated by the onslaught of regurgitated stomach acid in the mouth and throat.

Gastroparesis also shed blood sugar under control

Most drugs used to treat diabetes, especially insulin, are designed to maximize the amount of insulin to accommodate a certain number of minutes of use. If gastroparesis slows the digestion of food and the release of blood sugar, is digested too much insulin, the sugar reaches the portal vein to the liver does not produce enough insulin, when it finally goes into general circulation.

Gastroparesis Natural Remedies

Gastroparesis happens when the stomach is slow to empty its contents into the duodenum, although there is no obstruction. You may experience some or several symptoms including nausea, vomiting, stomach spasm, loss of appetite, feeling full after a few bites, or bloating. It is often hard to diagnose without looking inside the stomach (only done by a doctor with proper equipment). Another cause could be insulin resistance.

Modern medicine treats gastroparesis with medications that force the stomach muscles to expel the food. Side effects cause many of the similar symptoms as gastroparesis as if they are trying to treat it – nausea and vomiting.

The common cause is a diet rich in fat (including fast food) or high-fiber foods. Other causes can be medications, eating disorders, nervous disorders, thyroid problems and more. Diet changes are essential, along with the help of herbs, homeopathic remedies, and cell salts. Be sure to eliminate tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea and sodas as well as fast food.

Effects of Diabetic Gastroparesis on Blood Sugar Levels!

Diabetic gastroparesis is a form of damage to nerves that control muscle activity of the stomach automatically. Therefore, the passage of food through the digestive tract is slower. It is a common complication of type 2 diabetes can cause a series of mysterious ... but easy to handle ... Health.

Emptying gastroparesis, stomach incomplete, a kind of paralysis of the light means the digestive tract. If the vagus nerve is due to long exposure times to injure the levels of blood sugar is not controlled, the dedicated contributions of the central nervous system more slowly. Diabetic patients with severe gastroparesis, reflux symptoms and decreased appetite. Finally, the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine and large intestine is literally take days, leading to:

    * Swollen abdomen
    * Nausea
    * Vomiting of undigested food
    * Heartburn
    * Flatulence

What Exactly is Gastroparesis?

What causes gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis is a cause. A major cause is type 1 diabetes and type 2 nerve.The This is because the destruction of glucose uncontrolled waves of the vagus nerve has more responsibility for all of your cranial nerves. This nerve starts in the brain through the neck, chest and abdomen. If high levels of sugar in the blood to destroy this function over time, causing many problems with digestion and stomach emptying.

All you have to understand is that many of the vagus nerve fibers and fabrics, made up much of your body. Unlike the digestive system, controls much of their sensory and motor functions. If the blood vessels of the two types of diabetes are strongly affected, the problem is probably a stomach problem.

Many of vomiting, such as bulimia, anorexia, cancer drugs and severe acid reflux disease can cause a significant disruption in the digestive tract itself, and time, which is known as a movement disorder. What is mobility? Motility is defined as a spontaneous movement of a muscle. And in this case we will speak to the abdominal muscles. If this factor is changed to the nerves in our body's digestive system, many problems arise.

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